Andrew Meyer – Northwest Area – February 2020

On February 12, 2020, United 386, a 737-900 flying from Denver to Boston, developed an oil leak in flight and requested to divert to Chicago O’Hare airport. The location of United 386 meant they would be flying through the MALTA sector, opposite direction of westbound departures from O’Hare. The pilots of United 386 requested emergency equipment to be standing by upon arrival at O’Hare on their previous frequency. When the previous controller called to forward the information to the MALTA controller, he immediately notified his supervisor.
Andrew Meyer was preparing to leave the Northwest Area for the day when he heard the MALTA controller’s notification. Without hesitation, Andrew rushed to get his headset and immediately began helping the MALTA radar controller by initiating a phone call to Chicago Approach and requesting that they turn an aircraft north to clear a path for United 386. Andrew called again shortly thereafter to pass along more details and coordinate with Approach: The pilots had reported moderate to severe turbulence while descending, no known damage or injuries. They didn’t yet know which runway the pilots were requesting (Approach informed them it would be runway 28 Center). Andrew also coordinated which frequency Approach wanted United 386 on and ensured they could accept United 386 direct to O’Hare. While Andrew was accomplishing this, his radar controller was working departures and arrivals into O’Hare. After United 386 left their frequency, Andrew was able to close the position and end his work day.
Props to Andrew for this excellent example of teamwork and selflessness!