Chris Murawski
Northeast Area – July 2022

Chris Murawski was working Squib and Sparta sectors combined when he observed an untracked VFR target at 11,500’ flying directly towards a block of airspace around Grand Haven Memorial Airpark (3GM) protected for parachute operations. Mr. Murawski was not communicating with this aircraft, so he transmitted “in the blind” on the emergency frequency for the pilot to contact him on his sector’s frequency. Thankfully, the pilot was monitoring that frequency and they established communication with Mr. Murawski. Chris suggested a heading to avoid the parachute zone, to which the pilot responded and complied. In due time Mr. Murawski advised the pilot when they were clear of the parachute zone and the pilot thanked him for the assistance. Mr. Murawski’s actions demonstrated a high regard for situational awareness, safety, and showed initiative to provide excellent air traffic services. Great job, Chris!