Dominic Hradecki & Chad Baggett – Southeast Area – November 2021

AAL2377 was SSW-bound at FL240. Chad Baggett was training Dominic Hradecki at the FWA Radar position. During the prior relief briefing, there was discussion regarding AAL2377’s requested altitude of FL240, an unusual altitude for a flight between KDTW and KDFW. Several minutes later, the pilot abruptly requests 10,000 feet. Mr. Hradecki advises the pilot he will work on that and asks if the pilot is encountering any issues. The pilot responds with “Mayday Mayday Mayday…starting down out of 2-4-0 for 1-0 thousand.” Mr. Hradecki assigns FL200, changes the assigned altitude to 11,000 feet and asks the nature of the problem. The pilot indicates decompression.
After completing coordination with FWA approach, Mr. Hradecki descends the aircraft to 10,000 feet. A short time later, he asks the pilot his intentions. The pilot requests clearance to return to KDTW. Mr. Hradecki clears the aircraft to KDTW and at the pilot’s request descends the aircraft to 8,000 feet. All required information was obtained from the pilot and coordinated via multiple calls with FWA ATCT prior to communications transfer.
A dual pack failure caused the depressurization. The pilots were on oxygen, the cabin warning activated at approximately 12,000 feet. Cabin masks deployed, but oxygen was not required.
Mr. Baggett allowed Mr. Hradecki to work through the emergency and accomplish the plentiful coordination, in what is sure to be a training session that neither will soon forget. Great work, Chad and Dominic!