Todd Gonella, Adam Nagao – Southwest Area & TMU – September 2020

On September 5, 2020, Todd Gonnella was working the Burlington (BRL) Radar position in the Southwest Area, and Adam Nagao was working in the Traffic Management Unit (TMU). ACO2627 (C208) departed Chicago O’Hare airport, destined for Southeast Iowa Regional Airport (KBRL) in Burlington, Iowa. While transitioning from Chicago Approach Control airspace to Rockford Approach Control airspace, the pilot encountered radio problems and squawked 7600.
Coordination prior to the aircraft entering the BRL sector included DEN notification and the pilot’s ability to acknowledge control instructions using the IDENT function of the transponder. Adam located the pilot’s phone number and established communications via text message.
The pilot transmitted to Todd, advising the ability to transmit for approximately 35 seconds after switching radios. Via text, the pilot advised Adam that Todd’s transmissions were broken and unclear, but sufficiently loud. Todd issued a descent clearance, pertinent NOTAMs, and the KBRL weather observation, to which the pilot acknowledged via IDENT. Todd offered a visual approach, which the pilot again accepted via IDENT. The pilot also verified the request for a visual approach via text with Adam. Todd instructed the pilots to squawk STANDBY when the field was in sight. Upon observing STANDBY, Todd cleared the aircraft for a visual approach and advised of traffic in the vicinity. The pilot acknowledged via IDENT and a text message. A short time later, the pilot canceled his IFR flight plan via text message. The aircraft landed without incident.
Excellent teamwork and out-of-the box thinking between this air traffic controller and traffic management coordinator ensured that this air carrier was able to navigate and land after a substantial radio failure. Great work, Adam and Todd!